Hello, and welcome to my blog! I'll make it as brief as possible: A Mouthful of Games is a blog about video games. Here I intend to review every game I play, as well as write about games in general and what they mean to me. Yup, this time it's personal. Over the course of 30+ years, I've discovered, abandoned and rediscovered games time and time again. It's an endless loop. They've inspired, agonized, uplifted, infuriated, consoled, oppressed, and relieved me. Above all, I realise they have sheltered me from everything mundane. When they're good, games contain an emotional immediacy I've yet to encounter in almost any other sort of popular culture. You can go from utter despair to silly, ecstatic joy in a matter of minutes or even seconds. Want to check the full range of your emotions? Play the right video game, man. The only thing I can compare it to is watching a really exciting sports game involving your favorite team. It's safe to say we...