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Zombie Driver HD (2012, Playstation 3) Review


Also for: Android, Ouya, Windows, Xbox 360

Whenever a non-gamer preaches about video games, Zombie Driver HD must be the kind of game they have in mind. Stupid, loud, stressful, repetitive, violent, tasteless - this top-down car-shooter has it all. I only wish you could smell the gasoline too. If you want to keep those stuck-up, ignorant know-it-alls from being right, you don't ever wanna let them catch you playing it. Not that these assholes know what they're talking about anyway.

It's not a bad game. You control a car. It's got good car physics. It's got responsive controls. You get a nice assortment of weapons. A few thrilling brink-of-death moments at the end of a long mission gets your heart pumping. The killcount measures up to a five-digit number once you're done with the main campaign. In short, it takes care of those base instincts. The car controls well. Five star game.

But it's stuck up its own 16-bit ass a bit too much. It seems to have forgotten I accepted the basic early 90:s-shooters only because I didn't know better. Back then, this would've been a classic. You control a car. But nowadays, I crave more than a car-grind. I only grind when I've got time to waste. This mess just goes on and on and on. And I ain't got time to waste time. I want a relationship with my car. I wanna become the ultimate killing machine with super skills. Get me a car, good weapons and a tough challenge. This only gives me half of that. Me and my car should overcome tough situations. We should grow together. But this is too easy. It's the routine of everyday. But I can never stay mad at this sweet game for long.

You control a car. Your city is infested with zombies. You get a task, like blowing something up or rescuing a few trapped people. You drive around in the city. You try to complete the task. You shoot some zombies. You run over some other zombies. You complete the task. You kill some more zombies. You return to base. You park the car. You get a reward. You get the next task. You choose your next car and upgrade it according to the next task. You control a car.

That's a gameplay loop. You never leave your car. The structure is so clear you hardly have to keep playing past the first three missions to write a review. From there on, you have seen all its grisly sights. You've heard all of its deafening sounds. And it keeps at it for 31 long missions. They all take place on the same city map. The city design is so generic you get lost in an instant. That hardly matters, since checking your map is quick and the on-screen mission markers make sure you always know what general direction to drive. I love the map. It's a good map.

Why do we need graphics when they hardly matter? I don't need textures. Textures are stupid. Why did they (Exor Studios, heya dudes!) bother putting textures on the boxes to represent buildings? All that matters is the car. There's also a park, a river and a few bridges. I only noticed because they suddenly opened up the playing field or hindered my driving slightly. And what's wrong with the sounds? Why does it sound like babies are crying everywhere? And when you control a car, you want to hear the engine roar. But it sometimes goes mute. I don't like that. What, am I driving through space now, where the cars don't roar?

Before you're back home, your car will be all red with blood splatter. That's zombie blood. Someone washes the car clean between missions. Why are there different kind of zombies when they all act the same and die in one hit? Why do we need different weapon types when all zombies but the bosses die in one hit? You might as well just run over them. You control a car. The car has a ramming grill. I want one on my car in real life now. You also have nitro to run through bigger crowds. People don't gather in crowds since covid-19 so that makes the game unrealistic. They should patch in some social distance between zombies.

You unlock new cars sometimes. You can romance them all. You can control them all. Your cars can be upgraded with thicker armor, faster engines and better ramming power. I hardly noticed the difference. Armor is probably the most important because some enemies explode when they die. They are big and emit green vapors. They cause massive damage to your car. Luckily you can find green health pickups. You also pick up car-ammo. Your car has different weapons, all upgradeable. Shoot to kill, kill to win, hoo-haa.

You control a car. Why are some cars super fast? Once the explosive zombies are introduced, you can't control at top speed with any car anyway, because then you'll run into them fuckers before you have time to react. You have to tap the pedal carefully to avoid getting their zombie juices all over your hood. I hate those fuckers. They mess up the car. You control a car, you wanna go at top speed. I paid nice reward money for that top speed.

I am in love with Zombie Driver HD. It feels like Grand Theft Auto in the olden days, before all that 3D baloney. Except it's legal to kill everything in sight. And you can't get out of the car. But what does it matter? You control a car. It's got beautiful curves and a sexy exhaust pipe.

[Screenshots from MobyGames:]


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