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Random game draw # 1


Lately, I have run into a pretty common problem for video game enthusiasts - I've been feeling burnt out. Playing through a bunch of quality games, I haven't felt the expected enthusiasm. Between reviews, I've dipped my toe into a bunch of titles, only to abandon them within minutes. Everything seems the same, nothing engages me. Simply put, I've just been going through the motions. 

I cannot quite explain why, but I have a theory. Looking back on my history of reviews, I rarely go out of my comfort zone. I tend to stick to the high-profile, story-driven experiences. Even going the more obscure indie route, I still remain true to story-driven games. After all, these are my forte, and have been all my life. But when you only explore stuff you'll likely enjoy, you start losing your frame of reference. When most games are "good" or better, "good" becomes the new "average". And when every game is cut from the same cloth, you'll eventually start writing the same review on repeat.

I experienced the same burnout with movies, and consequently abandoned my old movie blog. I don't want to risk that happening again.


So I got this crazy idea the other day - why don't I shake things up on occasion? Once in a while - say every fifth game or so - why don't I choose a game to play and review completely by random? The supposedly all-encompassing game database MobyGames has a "Random"-button on top of its site. Clicking it prompts the site to display a completely randomized game from history. I've fooled around with it just for fun, and seen some pretty hilarious and obscure entries come and go. They would've been a blast to review (but perhaps not so much a blast to play).

How about Extreme Paintbrawl for Windows, by some considered to be one of the worst games of all time? Or the kids' game Sesame Street - Elmo's A-to-Zoo Adventure - The Videogame for the Nintendo Wii? Or how about the slew of strategy games that take place entirely on a map of WWII-plagued Europe? Games like these are way out of my ballpark. They should restore my old frame of reference and rekindle my flame for old-fashioned storytelling.

My shelf currently contains quite a collection of consoles with all sorts of physical game copies. I am also subscribing to a long-running PS Plus-collection (which lately has sucked so bad I refuse to renew it), PS Now and Nintendo Online. My phone is an Android device. I have access to a few older systems like a Commodore Amiga 500+ and a ZX Spectrum with boatloads of games. My old laptop PC is ideal for emulating older hard-to-track-down platforms. In short many of the entries that come up I will be able to play.

So my next game will be whatever MobyGames decides it to be.

Whatever game pops up, I will do my utmost to get it running. I might even order a physical copy of the software if one is available. However, I won't order any new piece of hardware. My funds are limited, as is the space around my TV. If I can't get it running, I will randomize another game, and try my best to make that one work. If the selected game is DLC, I will play the base game associated with it. For instance, if MobyGames randomly selects Payday 2: Weapon Color Pack 01 DLC (which has happened), I will play and review Payday 2 - maybe with the Weapon Color Pack 01 DLC installed, who knows?



So let's get going. Let's fire up MobyGames and press the old randomize button.

And the winner is... *drumroll*

Rock Band: Alice Cooper - 'Vengeance Is Mine' on Xbox One?!

Oh God, please no. According to my own rules, this would require me to buy and play Rock Band 4, I guess, and maybe topping it off with an Alice Cooper-performance. I don't own an Xbox One, so the PS3- or PS4-version will have to do. Question is: Is it playable without additional hardware? Can I play it like a rhythm-game with my DualShock 4? I doubt it, but let's do a bit of research and find out...

*minutes pass, and what am I doing with my life?*

...and as far as I can tell, the answer is a resounding 'NO'. My sources say I need to order at least one compatible instrument, unfortunately. Case dismissed... *sigh of relief*



Let's go back to MobyGames and randomize another game. Man, this is nerve racking.

And the winner is... *drumroll*

TerraRealms: The Discovery - Episode I on a Browser.

TerraRealms, huh? What the hell is that? By the description further down the page it appears to be some sort of Myst-clone; a first-person, puzzle-solving adventure game. Not exactly out of my comfort zone, but... not bad. Rather intriguing, actually. Unfortunately, it seems to be browser-only, and since it was released in 2001 the chances of finding a playable version are pretty slim. Shockwave/Flash is no longer a thing. But let's find out...

*more minutes pass as research commences*

Nope. It's a hopeless case. Sadly, all that remains is the MobyGames entry, including a few screenshots, and a Reddit thread where someone asks about how to obtain the game. The only answer pointed me to the site of BlueMaxima, a project dedicated to preserving old browser games - a commendable effort. It has yet to include TerraRealms: The Discovery, but who knows, maybe one day it will. If it happens, I doubt I will find out.



This is not going well. Let's make another offering to the MobyGames god-of-random.

And the winner is... *drumroll*

Hexxagon 2 for DOS!

How intriguing. If I can only find it somehow, I know I'll be able to run it through DosBox. It's described as a board game, and the screenshots remind me of Chinese Checkers. I had never heard of it before, and it feels out of my familiar gaming space. But not enough to make me feel uncomfortable. I admit it doesn't look sexy:

But neither does it look off-putting. The interface seems clean and approachable. The rules are hopefully not too advanced, and maybe the AI will put up a good fight. (It will probably demolish me). Looking forward to this one - if I can find it. Now I'll have to wrap up this entry, because I have other pressing matters and very little time. If I can't get my hands on Hexxagon 2 I will have to return with a follow-up entry where I randomize yet another game. If I can find it and get it running, I'll just update this entry.

[UPDATE 2022-02-03]:

Well, not only did I find this game, I got it up and running without a hitch. It's a very simple puzzle/strategy/board-game that reminds me a lot of the devious microscope puzzle that broke my first playthrough of The 7th Guest, just as I was on the brink of beating it. I never returned to finish that game. That puzzle was just impossible. Let's find out if Hexxagon 2 treats me any better. *gulp*

[First and last screenshots are from]


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