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Random game draw # 2


It's been four reviews already, so let's make another random draw from the Mobygames hat. This random game idea is so much fun I just want to keep it going. To be frank, the draw itself is more exciting than playing most games will be. However, this upcoming title will have to wait for awhile, because we're in a hectic game release window. I've already started playing Horizon Forbidden West - haven't gotten very far - and this very day sees the release of an even more eagerly anticipated game, Elden Ring, which is already next in line.

But that won't keep me from adding another one to the queue. The same rules apply: I won't buy any hardware to be able to play it. I might order the game physically, if I can find it. If I cannot obtain the game, I'll draw another one. If I've already reviewed the game, I'll draw another one as well.

I'll add another rule: If the game is part of a continuous series - like Mass Effect 3 or Assassin's Creed: Syndicate - I might opt to play the first game in that series instead, or at least the earliest one I haven't yet reviewed, for the sake of continuity.

Ok, with that out of the way, let's do it... *drumroll*


Tsuki wa Higashi ni Hi wa Nishi ni: Operation Sanctuary for Playstation 2!

Well, lookie here - an adult game. This was bound to happen sooner or later. I guess I have to take a stance on whether to review Eroge now... Dammit. However, the description on the game entry page reads: 

"Tsuki wa Higashi ni Hi wa Nishi ni: Operation Sanctuary is a console port of an adult visual novel for PC (Windows) with the same name. This PS2 and DC console port, however, has all the adult scenes removed and dialogues adjusted."

But then again, I doubt this will be easily obtained for the PS2. Was it ever released in Europe? Was it even translated into English? Let's add another rule: If the game is written in a language I cannot understand, I'll dismiss it and draw another one, unless a translated version exists somewhere out there.

I'll have to make some research here...


No dice. I found a functioning version for one of the platforms, but it was in Japanese. I'm not going to learn that language just for the sake of playing Operation Sanctuary. No, sir. I'll postpone my decision about playing Eroge for another dreaded day, too.

Case dismissed. Let's make another attempt.

So, here we go again... *drumroll*


Gauge for Windows!

I've never heard about it, and do not feel very excited about the genre combination; a psychedelic arcade-action-sports game, programmed by a person named Etienne Périn. It shouldn't be too hard to find. Let's browse GOG and Steam, in that order:


Success! As expected, it's on Steam. The price tag is a measly 2,99 Euros. Case closed - we have our winner!

The only solid information I can glean from any of the sites is this quote: "The end does exist, can you reach it?" Sounds like a challenge. According to the site HowLongToBeat the game should take around 15 minutes to win. Only question is how many attempts I'll need on the way there?

I could potentially squeeze it in between the two, big open-world games Horizon Forbidden West and Elden Ring as a palate cleanser. It looks enigmatic, and for an old Amiga-fan, this screenshot alone is enticing:

I hereby declare RANDOM GAME # 2 to be Gauge for Windows.

I really don't know what to expect from this one. It certainly looks unique. Here's the trailer:


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